Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Optimism and other Boosts for your Mood:

Optimism and other Boosts for your Mood:

As we transition from Christmas to the New Year, here are some tips for staying Optimistic and keeping your spirit up throughout the season and into the New Year.

  • Quiet Optimism: Did you know that taking time for yourself is linked to having a more optimistic outlook? If one of your goals is to be more optimistic this year, then studies show that you should spend time in quiet thought or prayer. Even if you only have a few minutes spent in quiet contemplation you will see noticeable benefits. The group of adults studied spent an average of six hours and 13 minutes over the course of five weeks  which translates to a couple of minutes a day.  The study showed patterns of brain activity typically associated with positive moods increased. 
  • Breathe Easy: The short, shallow gulps of air most of us take when we're tense make us light-headed and even edgier. That's why Robin Ehrlich, director of New York City's Eastside Massage Therapy Center (and just about every other stress expert interviewed), suggests that when you're feeling frantic you should stop, close your eyes and refocus your breathing pattern. "Shifting to deep breathing will soothe your nerves, send oxygen to your brain and refresh your mind," she explains. Inhale slowly through your nose to the count of eight. Fill your belly—not your chest—with air. Exhale through your mouth to the count of 10 to 16. Repeat five to ten times, until you feel calmer.

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